Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy National Hangover Day!

I know New Years isn't really a holiday Jews are supposed to celebrate, but the best New Years parties are the Jewish parties! I went to a party last night with my brother and a few friends, and had tons of fun. I just had waaaaaay too much to drink. Let's just say I don't remember a large part of that night, and my brother has some embarassing pictures of me!!! .... Family.... gotta love 'em! It's okay, he's the one that had to take care of me! =D


beautiful-stranger said...

happy hangover day sounds more appropiate;)

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Glad you had fun family is great. It is a new year so why not celebrate a lechaim for a happy healthy new year:).

FunkyJew82 said...

yah... i did have fun... a little TOO much fun. i'm putting down the bottle for a lil' while! ;)

just cause YOU had a sober new years, doesnt mean the majority of the US did also!! =)

i agree... family IS great. me and my bro take turns taking care of each other when we decide to go crazy. it is kinda ironic that we drink to a happy and healthy new year, but some of us end up drinking too much and begin the year not so happy, and not so healthy!!