Monday, July 2, 2007

Britain's Got Talent: Paul Potts

This is a clip I ran across, and found very inspiring. For those of us who don't watch much t.v., Britain's Got Talent is basically a big talent show with a bunch of regular people who perform because they think they may have a talent.


Genendy said...

Wow. That was awesome!

Leah Kleim Has Fake Tits said...

Leah Kleim is finally LOOSING IT, Boruch Hashem!

We are actually GETTING TO HER, Boruch Hashem!

Her Sorry Ass, is finally getting the point, Boruch Hashem.

Her BLOOD IS BOILING, finally and she was forced to have to start censoring posts on her slut blog.

This is a HUGE accomplishment for all those trying to knock some sechel in to her thick brainless, suicidal, alcoholic skull.

Leah Says:


Ha Ha Ha Leah

The Joke is ON YOU Leah.

We win and you loose!

Leah, you sound like a 5-year-old saying that while playing in her silly little sandbox.

No one cares about the stupidity and ranting about how drunk you are today and if you feel like jumping on the tracks today or tomorrow instead.

What difference does it make.

No one cares about the little suicidal fuck called Leah Kleim.

Keep the entire blog to yourself!

Go right ahead and masturbate all by yourself.

Enjoy yourself!

And the 4 empty walls, watching you masturbate.

The only way you get any stats at all is only if you get naked.

Any ugly piece of shit, like Leah Kleim who will get naked will always find some looser watching.

Go ahead and sell the only thing you have (not brains - you got non of that) just sell your pussy, like all looser do.

Your pussy is not where your brains are.

You don't have anything else to sell except your ugly body with the glued on, fake tits.

BTW, Check out:

The Real Leah Kleim said...

Leah Kleim's stats on her blog are way down and she's desperate for something to help her raise her stats.

First she tried to pose nude photos of herself.

That didn't work because she is quite ugly, tattooed with G-d name on her back side, and cheap looking fake tits in the front.

Not to mentioned that the insides of her arms, are as ugly as hell, being that she is a self-mutilated CUTTER.

She then resorted to posting generic porn on her blog, of the lowest grade but even that didn't help her stats.

Since her body is so fat, ugly, tattooed and mutilated by cutting, she decided to get herself painted with flowers, in hopes that the flowers will cover up for the ugliness of her natural body.

She even has a video online on her blog called Leah Kleim Tits and Flowers.

Why the Tits?

Because Sex Sells (Leah, hasn't got any real Brains, or anything else, to sell, except her fake tits) and she desperately needs her stats to go up.

But why the flowers to cover up her tits?

Because her tits are SO FAKE and ugly, no one would look at them unless it's covered up with flowers, so the beauty of the flowers will cover for the ugliness of her fake tits.

Leah is a child, which desperately needs, lots of attention to survive.

Even if you think Leah is ugly, please visit her blog, anyway, so she can get her desperately needed attention before she resorts to doing something much worse.

She regularly says she wants to commit suicide, but hasn't the IQ, to quite figure out, just how to do it, successfully and has failed, every time she tried, so far.

Klark Cent said...

Yo Mr. Funky, I haven't heard from you in a while, where have you been?

Lars Shalom said...

aliens gay aliens and time travel!!